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A Bump Along the Way Derry Girls meets The Snapper

With a largely female cast and crew, A Bump Along the Way is the latest to put Derry on the big screen. It follows the exploits of single mother Pamela and her best friend Sinead all watched over in disgust by Pamela’s teenage daughter Allegra. What makes A Bump Along the Way special is its realist script, it follows on from the success of Derry Girls, (an obvious reference given the film’s setting). It also has elements of the humour of Roddy Doyle’s The Snapper which was bringing Irish humour to an international audience thirty years ago. The part of Allegra is played by Lola Pettigrew (which some might remember as Christopher Eccleston’s put upon daughter in BBC miniseries Come Home) with humour mixed with a realism that will remind anyone of the teenaged anxst that they might have experienced at any time within the past twenty years. As Pamela struggles to cope with her existing child growing from a child into a young woman while carrying another child, what unravels before the audience is a tale of human tenderness and endurance where the light side of life shines through past it’s struggles. A Bump Along the Way is a humerus human tale that everyone can learn from

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